Five ways to cope with Thanksgiving during a Job Search
Thanksgiving can be a challenging time during a job search, especially when surrounded by questions about your career. You might not feel up to being in the “hot-seat” grilled by your well meaning relatives at the Thanksgiving meal. Questions can be an unwelcome visitor at this time. Besides staying home and not interacting with anyone, here are five mindful ways to cope:
1. Set Boundaries for Conversations
Prepare responses in advance for well-meaning but uncomfortable questions about your job search. Use phrases like, “I’m focusing on a great opportunity right now.” You can also say, “I’ve been very busy taking classes to add to my skills.” Express interest in them by saying, “I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to.” These can shift the conversation to safer ground.
2. Practice Gratitude Amid the Search
Use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to think about the positives, both in life and in your job search journey. Think about the past year. Review all that you have learned, especially about resilience. Mindfully practicing gratitude—even for small wins—can help keep a positive outlook and keep stress in check.
3. Find Support in a Trusted Circle
Spend time with those who understand your situation and can offer emotional support. Share your challenges in a safe space, whether it’s with friends, family, or an online community. This can bring comfort and perspective during the holiday. If you find that support does not come from your family, think about who else you can confide in.
4. Engage in Self-Compassion
It’s easy to be hard on yourself during a job search. Thanksgiving is a time to pause. Be kind to yourself. Recognize that job searching is tough, and give yourself credit for the effort you’re putting in. Take this holiday break to relax and only do things that you love. Or you can do nothing and just rest. Journal about your experiences this year.
5. Mindfully Disconnect from Job Searching
Take a break from job applications and networking for the day. Fully immerse yourself in the holiday experience—enjoy the food, company, and traditions. This mindful pause can refresh your mindset and boost your energy when you return to the search.
These strategies can help you navigate Thanksgiving with more peace and confidence, despite the pressures of job searching. It is a time of rest and reflection before the new year starts.
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By: Diana C. Stephens, PhD