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Don’t Get Spooked: Dealing with Ghosting in Job Interviews

It’s October – Halloween Season! As Halloween creeps closer, the spooky season isn’t the only time you can experience ghosts. In the professional world, “ghosting” has become an all-to-common experience for job seekers.

Imagine this: you ace the interview, feel confident about the role, and then……nothing. The eerie silence of being ghosted by a potential employer can be more chilling than any haunted house. But fear not! Here are the top 5 ways to cope with being ghosted after an interview and keep your career momentum alive.

Is Ghosting a Trick or a Treat?

Embrace the Uncertainty: Let go of What You Can’t Control

Just like trying to predict whether that bump in the night is a ghost or the wind, you can’t control every aspect of the interview process. It’s unpredictable. Employers have internal reasons for the delay or silence that have nothing to do with you. Accepting that some things are beyond your control can help relieve the stress that comes from waiting.

How to cope:

  • Focus on what you can control.
  • Keep applying, refining your resume, and preparing for new opportunities.
  • The more you invest in your growth, the less power the silence will have over you.
Banish Negative Self Talk!

Banish Negative Self-Talk: It’s Not About You

When the ghosting happens, it’s easy to wonder, “What did I do wrong?” But it’s important to remember that ghosting says more about the employer’s process than your qualifications. Don’t let the silence make you question your worth.

How to cope:

  • Practice mindfulness to manage self-doubt.
  • Journaling can be a great way to release those negative thoughts, then, replace them with affirmations of your skills and value.
  • Take a few minutes each day to write about your strengths and visualize the opportunities ahead.
Don’t Stalk the Ghost!

Follow Up, but Don’t Stalk the Ghost

Just because you’ve been ghosted doesn’t mean you should never reach out. A friendly, professional follow-up email can sometimes bring clarity, as the hiring process can get delayed for many reasons. But remember, too many follow-ups make you look desperate or pushy.

How to cope:

  • Send one or two courteous follow-up emails spaced out over a week or two.
  • If they still don’t respond, it’s best to move on.
  • Keeping a polite tone will keep your professionalism, even in the face of frustration.
Conduct a “Career Ritual” to move on!

Find Closure Yourself: Do a “Career Ritual”

Halloween is full of rituals to keep the ghosts at bay; but, you can create your own career rituals to handle the emotional limbo of ghosting. Closure doesn’t always come from the other side, so sometimes you have to make it for yourself. Doing a simple “career ritual” can give you a sense of moving ahead. Taking time to mark the end of this process can mentally free you up to focus on the next steps.

How to cope:

  • Tidy up your workspace.
  • Update your LinkedIn profile.
  • Write a reflective email you never send.
Lean into your Network for Support!

Lean on Your Network: Don’t Let the Ghosts Isolate you

One of the worst feelings of being ghosted is the isolation it can cause. You’re left in the dark, wondering what happened. But remember, you’re not alone in this experience. Many Job seekers face ghosting at some point in their career.

How to cope:

  • Reach out to friends, colleagues, or mentors to talk about your experience.
  • Sometimes, just hearing another person’s perspective can make you feel supported.
  • Networking can also open new doors and bring opportunities where you least expect them.

Moving Ahead

While Halloween is full of ghouls and ghosts, the professional world doesn’t have to be so frightening. Coping with interview ghosting takes resilience, patience, and a healthy mindset. By staying proactive and focused on your career goals, you’ll avoid getting trapped in the haunting silence. Soon enough, the right opportunity will come knocking!

Success! Offer Accepted!

Wrapping up!

I’m Diana Stephens, PhD, Holistic Coaching, Founder of Mindful Job Alignment. I can help empower you on your career journey! Turn anxiety and uncertainty into clarity and confidence as you navigate your job search. I can help you find peace of mind. I’ve been where you’re at and know how it feels.

Check out our other blogs on career transitions and coping with the emotional side of job transitions. Be sure to sign up for our email list to get a free copy of our Top 10 Things to do when Downsized and Supportive Reading Resources for Transitions. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or thoughts at support@mindfuljobalignment.com. We’d love to hear from you!

By: Diana C. Stephens, PhD

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